
Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A typical Brahmin wedding involves many of prescribed practices and stretches for four long days. In orthodox families, during ‘Janavasam’, a majestic male elephant garlands and welcomes the boy. Another extension of this formality is to wash his legs and perform ‘Padha Pooja’ before the Kanyadhan. The wedding day commences with the ‘Kasi Yatra ‘when the boy attired in a saintly garb goes on a pilgrimage. The bride’s father intercepts his tour and requests him to accept the arrangement, handing over a couple of ripe coconuts. The boy takes vows during ‘Sapthapadhi’ taking his wife around the holy fire. Holding her toe, he then guides the bride along seven steps and shows her the blessed star Arundhathi

Brahmin Belief: According to Tamil custom. Every bridegroom is considered regal. ‘Anna’ is the honorific used by the Brahmin wives to address their husbands.

Read from a Daily News Paper.

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