
Saturday, September 6, 2008


Extreme Age Differences In Marriage Can Lead To Infidelity

"Extreme age differences between husband and wife may lead to infidelity" says author and infidelity expert, Ruth Houston, who was recently quoted in an article in First magazine. Houston's comments were included in the sidebar of an article in the May issue of First entitled "The Surprising Way Women Are Turning Back the Clock," which discusses the pros and cons of marriages and relationships in which the woman is considerably older or younger than the man.

Disparity in Sex Drives

"The biggest danger" is that in marriages where there is an age difference of 15 to 20 years or more, at some point, there is likely to be a disparity in the sex drives of the two people involved. This disparity could be a contributing factor to infidelity if it drives one party to seek sexual fulfillment outside the primary relationship."

Unable to Relate Due to Generation Gap

Houston points out that lifestyle differences, differences in moral values, even differences in seemingly minor things such as tastes in music, reading, or entertainment may eventually cause the couple to be unable to relate to each other because of a "generation gap." If one party begins to seek out members of his or her peer group because they have more things in common with each other, it can lead to problems -- especially if that person is a member of the opposite sex.

A Higher Risk of Infidelity

While conceding some marriages and relationships between older women and younger men do succeed, Houston states that they start out with a strike against them. She warns, "A woman should think long and hard before entering into a relationship with a man who is considerably younger than herself. The greater the age difference, the greater the risk of infidelity."

Read from a matrimony site and very useful for all.

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